Private lessons are offered at Empire & are scheduled directly with individual coaches. One-on-one lessons are great for:
If you are interested in setting up private lessons for your child, please get in touch with the office! We will take your information & circulate it with our coaches. A coach with availability will then reach out to you directly to discuss scheduling & goals.
30-Minute Lesson: $40/lesson
45-Minute Lesson: $55/lesson
60-Minute Lesson: $65/lesson
*Prices are subject to change & may differ depending on the individual coach*
Payments for all private lessons must be made directly to the coach via cash, check, Venmo, or an alternative app, depending on the individual coach’s preference
The lesson should be paid in full PRIOR to when it starts. If payment is not rendered by the end of a completed lesson, you will NOT be permitted to schedule future privates until the coach has been compensated
Rates are up to the discretion of the individual coach. Remember- you are paying for the coach’s time, not the actual instruction, which means our more experienced coaches will have higher rates than our younger staff
Scheduling specific days/times for lessons occurs directly with the intended coach, and each coach has their own preferred method of how they schedule privates
Classes are our coaches’ first priority and take precedence over private lessons. As such, Empire Gymnastics reserves the right to cancel or shift the day and/or time of a lesson for a coach if there is an urgent need for class coverage, limited facility space, or other unexpected circumstances that require the individual coach
Scheduled private lessons are also subject to change based on the individual coach’s personal calendar and availability
You must arrive on time and notify the coach immediately if you run late. The lesson begins at the scheduled time whether or not you are present
If you are late, you are not entitled to extra time, and you will not be eligible for payment credits or refunds for the time missed
If you are unable to make it to your scheduled lesson, you must give the coach AT LEAST 12 hours’ notice
If LATE notice or NO notice is given, you still owe the full amount of the private lesson
If you must cancel due to illness or other extenuating circumstances, it will be up to the individual coach’s discretion whether payment is still required as well as future rescheduling
To ensure the safety of both the student and the coach, appropriate attire includes leotards, tighter-fitting workout apparel, leggings, or shorts with no pockets or zippers
Two-piece outfits and/or baggy clothes are NOT acceptable attire for private lessons
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