Every new student is eligible to try classes risk-free! We want to give you & your young athlete a chance to see our facility, meet our coaches, see how classes operate, & determine if gymnastics classes at Empire are the right fit!
Within your first 30 days of enrollment, if your child doesn't enjoy their class enough to continue, you will be given a full refund for both the membership fee & tuition.
Upon initial enrollment, there is an annual membership fee of $45.00. For families with two or more children enrolling in classes, the first student pays the regular rate, while each subsequent child pays $35.00.
Membership fees are valid for 12 months beginning at enrollment & automatically renew every 12 months if the student is active in class.
Most of our programs operate on a rolling basis, which means classes & tuition are charged monthly instead of semester-by-semester or even annually. Month-to-month memberships are more affordable, free you from stressful financial commitments, & provide greater flexibility for the busy families of our community!
. All tuition is NON-REFUNDABLE & due on the 1st of every month. Monthly tuition is only prorated if & when a student enrolls in a class mid-month.
Class tuition & annual membership fees are automatically drafted on the 1st of each month, so all families MUST have an active credit or debit card on file.
Class tuition prices will increase annually by 5% to help keep up with inflation & increased cost of living.
All new monthly tuition prices will take effect on the 1st of every calendar year.
Empire accepts all major credit & debit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, Discover, & American Express. Credit & debit cards are the preferred payment methods, & families must maintain an active card on file to ensure tuition is processed successfully each month, allowing your student's gymnastics experience to remain uninterrupted!
We also accept Apply Pay via our external card reader & cash.
We do NOT accept check payments.
All tuition is automatically drafted on the 1st of each month. However, if payment does not go through, you have until the 7th on the month to update your payment information with the office either online through our Parent Portal, over the phone, or in person.
If payment is not received by the 7th of the month, a $25.00 late fee will be applied to your account. Additionally, students are not permitted to participate in their class until tuition is paid in full.
We can pause enrollment for families for ONE month ONLY without the student losing their spot in the class. There is a nominal $25 hold charge for the month.
After one month, if you wish to keep your child's spot in a class, you must pay full tuition. Otherwise, your student will be dropped to make room for the next child on the waitlist.
If at any time you'd like to take a break or discontinue participation, please contact the office so your student is properly dropped from their class.
It is important to provide the office with a minimum of one week's notice before the 1st of the month to ensure you don't get charged the upcoming month's tuition.
**Please note- If you do not show up for class three consecutive weeks in a row with no notification/communication with office, your child will be automatically dropped from their class.
There are NO refunds given if you miss multiple classes & do not notify the office
All classes start promptly at their scheduled times! If you are running late to bring your child to class, please contact the office ahead of time to let us know. Our classes (and the entire gym) follow a specific rotation schedule to ensure efficiency and that every group gets where they need to go each day.
For their safety and the overall structure of the class, if your child is more than 15 minutes late, they CANNOT join the class. By arriving 15 minutes or later after the start of class, your child misses the warm-up and instructions for the first rotation. Missing the warm-up increases the risk of injury. Furthermore, joining a class after the first rotation begins disrupts the flow of the class and serves as a distraction to the other students.
If your child is not permitted to join their class due to a late arrival, you can speak with the office to schedule a make-up class!
Tuition pays for your child's spot in a class & includes one make-up class per month.
Make-ups are offered when & where it doesn't interrupt the safety or quality of class for the students enrolled. Make-ups also depend on space, equipment, & teaching ratios.
You must call or email the office in advance to schedule a make-up class!
Make-ups do not carry over month-to-month.
Click to download our handbook for new families for more information about important policies!
**2025 Gym Rules & Policies Handbook (pdf)
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